Case suit for the freedom of speech in Europe


A case for the freedom of speech in Europe


There has been filed a case to The European Court of Human Rights, a case brought by the Danish NGO, the Freedom Movements Federation, against the Danish State. This is regarded as a very important case in censorship.

This case is similar to the one brought against the Biden administration by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri. They had sued the government for illegally suppressing free speech on social media.

The suit states that the Biden administration worked with social media companies to suppress the content of disfavored individuals. It also claims that President Joe Biden and other high-ranking government officials coordinated with the platforms to suppress free speech. They allegedly labeled the content of disfavored individuals as “disinformation,” and “misinformation”. The suit also focuses on the various issues that have been identified as possible threats to the election process, such as the emergence of COVID-19 and the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

In 2017, the Danish government was accused of suppressing free speech through the establishment of a news outlet called Monday Morning, which is a fact-checking organization. The organization, which is chaired by the dean of the faculty of journalism, is funded by grants by the goverment.

Our case was initially filed against the Prime Minister of Denmark and the two companies that operate social media platforms, Facebook and It demanded an injunction against the government’s efforts to suppress free speech. The court also issued a court order to the government to ensure that it does not violate the rights of free speech.

The court also ordered the government to stop funding organizations that are known to suppress free speech. These include Monday Morning and

The case presented numerous counts of censorship against highly qualified individuals, such as doctors and scientists. It also highlighted the various sources of information that the government uses to suppress free speech. These include the Danish Health Authority and the statistical department of the government. According to the plaintiffs, the government’s efforts to suppress free speech were motivated by the belief that the information was seen to coincide with the official narrative.

This allowed the case to be brought to the European Court of Human Rights or the European Union Court. The complaint was sent on July 20, which was the anniversary of the attempted assassination of Hitler. It was also the day that a coup d’etat against the Nazis took place in Denmark.

The fate of this suit will affect all countries within the European Council, 47 countries alltogether.

To ensure that the case receives proper attention, we are asking people to support the plaintiffs by making donations. The total cost of the lawsuit is estimated only  at around 18.000 euros.



The link to the fundraiser is here:





And the link to the complaint as launched (in English) You can read it here:





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