dissensMEDIA – systemkritikernes talerør
Kalder alle Canadiere – Pressekonference i Ottawa den 7. februar 2022 – for at fastholde en fredelig proces i Ottawa
Jo flere vi er, jo bedre er det for os alle sammen: Lastbilchaufførerne i Ottawa ønsker, at deres medborgere kommer til Ottawa for at forhindre den vold, som regeringen planlægger. I denne artikel kan du se hvad de demonstrer for i Canada samt nogle stemningsbilleder fra Ottawa. Og sidst i artiklen kan du se at 1000 vis af demonstranter strømmer til Ottawa.
Også ved dissensMEDIA er vi bekymrende for den eskalerende retorik. Vi ser i den danske presse en systematisk retorik, der miskrediterer de canadierne, der deltager i de fredelige demonstrationer. Vaccinerede og uvaccinerede står sammen, og de gør det for at få deres frihedsrettigheder tilbage, – bl.a. uden at være tvunget til at deltage i et medicinsk eksperiment med en injektion, der er dokumenteret usikker, ineffektiv og skadende!
Udgivet den 13. februar 2022
Af dissensMEDIA
Note: Som du kan høre i denne 34 minutter lange video er deltagerne i pressekonferencen den 7. februar oprigtigt bekymrede for den udvikling, der finder sted i Canada, inklusiv i Ottawa. Med til pressekonferencen er også Dr. Roger Hodkinson.
En Canadier skriver:
This Convoy is not just for the truckers mandates.
It’s for the family member x banned from visiting family in nursing homes.
It’s for the censorship on all social media platforms.
It’s for all the people afraid to speak in fear of being called conspiracy theorists.
It’s for the people who didn’t want to give up their freedom of choice!
It’s for the people who don’t want to give up their right to bear arms.
It’s for the people who don’t want to be in debt for the next 100 years.
It’s for the people who only want answers to the many questions that haven’t been answered.
It’s for the people afraid to hug their family and visit friends.
It’s for the people who want their lives back.
For the hairdressers to cut hair.
For the restaurants to serve food.
For the bars to play music.
For the students to learn.
For the kids to be free.
For people who want to work but are forced not to.
This is for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens.
Never in my life have I ever seen the healthy punished and the sick untreated.
This is for the 300,000 surgeries cancelled.
This is for the people that died waiting for their surgery.
This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold the hands of their loved ones.
This is for the exhausted nurses, teachers, parents etc.
This is for the doctors that are going unheard.
This is for all the front line workers, delivery trucks, grocery store clerks, PSWs who are constantly working overtime etc.
This is for all of us.
If you do not support the truckers, IT’S OKAY because:
If mandates get lifted I would like to remind you…. you can still stay home. No one will rip the mask off your face, no one will force you to dine in at a restaurant, you can drop your children off at their leisure activity and wait in your car, you can still say no to family gatherings and events, you can live within your 4 walls and NO ONE will stop you. We will not judge you for your choice – we will just be glad you have one. That is the point of FREEDOM of choice! While you’re comfortable where you are we are also comfortable moving on with our lives.
A member of the small fringe minority with unacceptable views
You stay safe, I will stay free!
Stemningsbilleder fra Ottawa

Breaking news – fra Dr Peter McCullough den 14. februar 2022

1. Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press conference Ottowa – Med opfordring til at flere demonstranter kommer til Ottowa – for at fastholde en fredelig udvikling – den 7. oktober 2022
2. Stemningsbilleder fra Ottawa
3. Breaking News from Dr Peter McCullough – Tusinder strømmer til Ottawa og forstærker den protesterende stemme udenfor Parlamentet – den 4. februar 2022
Opdateret: 14. februar 2022